Glasgow 2014: Ebola terror of athlete who was kept in isolation in Glasgow hospital for four days
Moses Sesay
A COMMONWEALTH athlete was tested twice for the deadly Ebola virus after arriving in Scotland.
Cyclist Moses Sesay was kept in isolation in a Glasgow hospital for four days.
Doctors ran tests to rule out the chance he may have carried the disease from Sierra Leone to Scotland.
His terrified team-mates want to stay here until it is safe to return to the west African country.
It’s in the grip of its worst Ebola outbreak, with 233 people dead.
Last night, Sesay – who raced in yesterday’s time trial – said: “We are scared of being sent home.”
UK borders are on high alert to stop travellers bringing the virus here amid fears of a global epidemic.
There is no cure or vaccination for Ebola and it is fatal in up to 90 per cent of cases.
Sesay, who is worried for his wife and baby daughter back home in Sierra Leone, went to hospital feeling weak and listless.
He said: “I was admitted to hospital for four days and they tested me for Ebola but it came back negative.
“They did it again and this time sent it to London and they found that negative too. I was scared.
Health worker dealing with Ebola in Guinea
“All the doctors dressed in special suits to treat me. They dressed like I had Ebola.
“Even just to give me food they had to dress like that.
“After the tests came back negative and the doctors were dressed normally again, I was so happy.
“They told me it was just the change in the environment, reacting to a different atmosphere.
“I would thank the Scottish doctors, they are good doctors.”
Sesay, 32, and his team-mates want to stay in Scotland until the epidemic is contained in Sierra Leone.
He added: “All of us are scared about returning home. We have a
three-month visa in our passports and if I have the opportunity I will
stay here until this ends.
“The president has spoken about public areas maybe being closed from Saturday.
“I’m worried about my family back home. I have a wife and a baby girl who is five months old.
“I want to talk with them but I haven’t had a chance.
“It’s scary over there. My mum is a nurse so she may have to treat people. My wife also works in the medical
field. So I am scared for them and we are scared to go home.”
The World Health Organisation believe Ebola has killed 729 people
since the outbreak began in Guinea in February. It has spread into
Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Yesterday, WHO and the leaders of west African nations pledged £59million to fight the disease.
It is transmitted by contact with the urine, sweat, blood or saliva of infected people or animals – even after death.
Symptoms including vomiting, diarrhoea and internal and external bleeding take up to 21 days to show.
Sesay was discharged from hospital just three days before competing.
Riders raced round a punishing 38.4 kilometre course. Sesay came 56th
and last, 23 minutes behind English winner Alex Dowsett. Four riders
pulled out.
Sesay said: “The wind and rain was too hard for me but I was pleased to finish the race after everything that has happened.
“It was a good day so soon after those many bad days.”
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