The crown prince of the state of Selangor in Malaysia, has relinquished all his possessions and a chance to succeed to the prestigious throne of Selangor to follow his heart and marry Spanish top model and superstar Cristina Gomez, a 16 year old who was propelled to stardom this year when she was noticed on national television in the crowd of a highly anticipated football match.
The Malaysian prince known for his outlandish sex orgies and drug addiction problems, having been through rehab no less than three times in the past 18 months, has promised to change his ways and claims to be a new man.
The prince is known for his party-loving nature
In an interview this week with Catholic Digest Weekly, the 21 year old man admitted that his encounter with the supermodel basically saved his life. “I was living in a lustful, superficial world, where money and power brought me all the goods of the world: women, cars and drugs. But Cristina changed all that”. Cristina Gomez who is of catholic faith, asked prince Tengku to convert to Catholicism, as to make their union legal before God and help him achieve righteousness in his life.
The baptism of the former follower of Islam at Santa Maria Cathedral this week in Braga, Portugal, has brought much criticism on the former heir to the Selangor throne by the world muslim community at large. “This is not a spare of the moment thing. If people cannot accept the choices I’ve made and the new person I have become, then that’s too bad for them” declared the ex-prince in the same interview. “Me and Cristina are happy and that is all that counts” he commented. The lovers are to be wed this month in San Marco Cathedral in romantic Venice and have not revealed where they are to spend their honeymoon. “That is our little secret” revealed Cristina on a hit Spanish tv talk show this week.